Discover畢無正業 BMJY • Head in the Clouds (Feet on the Ground)Ep.19 看人類即使渺小 | You've got to believe in the poetry 🪡 by Juniper
Ep.19 看人類即使渺小 | You've got to believe in the poetry 🪡 by Juniper

Ep.19 看人類即使渺小 | You've got to believe in the poetry 🪡 by Juniper

Update: 2023-03-05


新鮮出爐呢一集 🍞 請黎 Juniper 同我地分享佢既 2022: her inspirations, struggles, and everything in between 🥢 聽完佢講 Euphoria 呢集 Christmas special, 我忍唔住走左去睇, 而 in the face of great writing (and acting) 我實在冇咩可以補充, 唯一可以做既就係推薦大家去 give it a try 🫗 好多謝 Juniper 咁個人既分享, 希望聽緊既你都會從中找到一份慰藉、平安 ⛰


(00:00 ) “a song for you” by donny hathaway (1971) / (02:08 ) hello, i’m juniper 身兼十職乜都做啲 #pastrychef / (03:10 ) applied food studies | human based experience 何謂飲食文化人類學 / (03:48 ) a year of revolutionary change 人生路上的轉變 / (04:20 ) my 2022 life inspiration picks: mental health and career aspirations 關於心理健康及職業志向 / (05:50 ) on isolation and a glamourized life 曾與孤獨走過的路 / (07:12 ) “it saved my life” 在低谷遇上《毒癮女孩》

chapter 1: "you’ve got to believe in the poetry"
euphoria “trouble don't last always" HBO美劇《毒癮女孩》/ trigger warning: addiction, depression

(08:12 ) about sam levinson and zendaya 故事背後的創作團隊 / (09:58 ) what our schools failed to teach us 香港教育制度下的心理健康教育 / (10:20 ) intersectional spheres of human life 人生從來不是非黑即白 / (10:40 ) conversations at a diner on christmas eve 關於呢一集 / (11:25 ) when empathy falls short: addiction as a disease 對吸毒者的同理心 / (12:35 ) solace in acceptance 同行的慰藉 / (13:12 ) “it will always remain a mystery” 在人生路上找尋答案 / (14:42 ) “a real fucking revolution, is at its core, spiritual” 一個真實的 屬於你的革命 / (15:30 ) how this parallels my role as a chef 廚師的角度和使命
(16:25 ) a musical interlude 家姐
(17:12 ) on being (dis)content and finding one's grounding 人生就是一場掙扎 / (18:02 ) the power of redemption 爭取自己的救贖 / (20:20 ) a safe space 導演創造的安全空間

chapter 2: on career aspirations and making choices
a guilty conscience《毒舌大狀》

(21:12 ) dayo wong 黃子華 / (21:45 ) about the movie 關於呢套戲 / (22:32 ) “everything is wrong” 面對不公義 / (23:22 ) frank ocean: we always have a choice 為自己的人生做抉擇 / (24:02 ) being intentional with time 給自己足夠的時間和創作的空間

epilogue: some days, existing is enough

(24:22 ) silver linings 天天難過 天天過 / (24:48 ) with a grain of salt 若有天再回首 / (25:25 ) be proud of the work no one sees 多給自己一份愛 / (26:04 ) true spirit 乘著人生風浪 / (26:55 ) a song for you 給你的一首歌

background music credits 🎧

A Song For You - Donny Hathaway / Studio Ghibli compilation playlist - TalesWeaver Music / Run Cried The Crawling - Agnes Obel / Howl’s Moving Castle - Joe Hisashi / Jazz Music In The Rain - Jazz Cafe Ambience / 마음대로 Cover by Yewie Dorcas & Walter Kwan - Lee Jin Ah / May Rain Cover by Yewie Dorcas- Leah Dou / 長大 Growing Up - 插班生 The Freshman / One Summer’s Day - Joe Hishashi / Neverland - Zendaya

Juniper IG: @chefling_

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Ep.19 看人類即使渺小 | You've got to believe in the poetry 🪡 by Juniper

Ep.19 看人類即使渺小 | You've got to believe in the poetry 🪡 by Juniper

畢無正業 Head in the Clouds (Feet on the Ground)